Dr. Priscilla Marquis is an EMDR Institute Regional Trainer for the EMDR Institute. Her EMDR Therapy Basic Trainings are EMDRIA Certified. Dr. Marquis is committed to making EMDR trainings and EMDR therapy accessible cross culturally. Dr. Marquis has been teaching and training EMDR Therapy since 1991 when she and her father John Marquis, Ph.D. provided one of the first international trainings at the Baptist Hospital in Managua, Nicaragua. Dr. Marquis has been teaching and training EMDR Therapy Basic Trainings since then. Dr. Marquis is bilingual in English and Spanish. She has completed trainings in the U.S., Latin America, and Bangladesh. Her goal is that the trainings will be fun, educational, and will prepare participants to begin using EMDR Therapy right away. Dr. Priscilla Marquis was individually selected and training by Dr. Francine Shapiro to provide training in EMDR Therapy. EMDR Therapy is a specialized approach which requires consultation and supervised practice. The training has a format of lecture, video and live demonstrations, group exercised and supervised practice. The program of this workshop been taught by Dr. Shapiro since 1990. The EMDR Institute and Dr. Priscilla Marquis adhere to the ethical standards of APA, social work, nursing and mental health boards.
Note: Dr. Priscilla Marquis provides trainings to individuals who live within 100 miles of San Francisco or Spanish speaking clinicians.
EMDR Therapy Basic Training is a two part training, consisting of Part 1 and Part 2. Each part is a three day training. EMDR Therapy is for use by licensed mental health practitioners or students who are in a licensable tract and are being supervised. EMDR Therapy is a psychotherapeutic approach that is based on the Adaptive Information Processing Model. It is a comprehensive psychotherapy approach that provides rapid and profound treatment for a wide range of issues related to disturbing events and current life conditions. This interactional, standardized psychotherapy approach has been researched in over 50 randomized controlled studies of trauma treatment. There are hundreds of published case reports evaluating a wide range of concerns, including depression, anxiety, phobias, excessive grief, somatic conditions and addictions. EMDR Therapy has been used with children, adolescents and adults. EMDR therapy reprocesses the disturbing memories that appear to set the basis for a wide range of dysfunction. Research has documented the neuropsychological EMDR Therapy effects. EMDR Therapy is client centered psychotherapy. Required reading: the textbook by Francine Shapiro, PhD, Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing: Basic Principles, Protocols and Procedures Guilford Press, NY, 3rd Edition, 2017 and Getting Past Your Past, Francine Shapiro. 10 hours of consultation are required as part of the EMDR Therapy Training. Weekend 1 and Weekend 2, and the 10 hours of consultation within a 12 month period.
Please note: Dr. Priscilla Marquis also provides trainings in Spanish for agencies that wish to arrange a Spanish training. If you do not live within 100 miles of San Francisco and you are a Spanish speaker wishing to attend a training, please contact Priscilla at priscilla@priscillamarquis.com directly.
Virtual Trainings are conducted via a HIPAA Compliant Zoom Platform. Practicum sessions are conducted in zoom breakout rooms in small groups.
Wednesday November 6, Thursday November 7 and Friday November 8, 2024
Wednesday February 5, Thursday February 6 and Friday February 7, 2025
Wednesday May 7, Thursday May 8 and Friday May 9, 2025
Wednesday November 5, Thursday November 6 and Friday November 7, 2025
Trainings will be held via Zoom with a limit of 56 per meeting.
Please note that trainings are limited to individuals who live within 100 miles of San Francisco or Spanish speaking clinicians
Time: 9:00 a.m. - 5:30 p.m. Day 1 and 2.
9:00 a.m. - 500 p.m. Day 3
Dr. Priscilla Marquis will present a Part 1 EMDR Virtual Therapy Training. This is the first of a 2 part training. This workshop has 21 CE credits. Dr. Marquis Follows EMDRIA Virtual Training Standards. Please see EMDRIA Website for virtual training standards: https://www.emdria.org/emdr-training-education/emdr-training/interim-standards-for-virtual-emdr-basic-training/
Consultation: Dr. Marquis offers group consultation in English and Spanish for EMDR Therapy. 10 Hours of EMDR Therapy Consultation are required to complete the Basic EMDR Therapy Training, 5 hours after Part 1 and 5 hours after Part 2. You can purchase 10 consultation hours here or pay as you go.
Wednesday March 5, Thursday March 6, and Friday March 7, 2025
Wednesday April 9, Thursday April 10 and Friday April 11, 2025
Wednesday July 16, Thursday July 17, and Friday July 18, 2025
Training will be held via Zoom with a limit of 50 per meeting.
Please note that trainings are limited to individuals who live within 100 miles of San Francisco or Spanish speaking clinicians.
Time: 9:00 a.m. - 5:30 p.m. Day 1 and 2.
9:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m. Day 3
Dr. Priscilla Marquis will present a Part 2 EMDR Virtual Therapy Training. This is the second of a 2 part training. This workshop has 21 CE credits. Dr. Marquis Follows EMDRIA Virtual Training Standards. Please see EMDRIA Website for virtual training standards: https://www.emdria.org/emdr-training-education/emdr-training/interim-standards-for-virtual-emdr-basic-training/
Consultation: Dr. Marquis offers group consultation in English and Spanish for EMDR Therapy. 10 Hours of EMDR Therapy Consultation are required to complete the Basic EMDR Therapy Training, 5 hours after Part 1 and 5 hours after Part 2. You can purchase 10 consultation hours here or pay as you go.
Learning Objectives Part 1
1. Participants will be able to identify three components of the EMDR approach designed to provide effective treatment with clients.
2. Participants will be able to identify the Three-Pronged Protocol of EMDR therapy.
3. Participants will be able to list three important existing research studies.
4. Participants will be able to list three types of client complaints treatable with EMDR therapy.
5. Participants will be able to identify the parameters treatable with EMDR therapy to safely and effectively implement EMDR therapy with clients.
6. Participants will be able to describe three aspects of the AIP Model for effective case conceptualization and treatment planning.
7. Participants will be able to name the Eight phases of EMDR therapy for comprehensive treatment.
8. Participants will be able to describe three criteria for client selection
9. Participants will be able to describe three safety measures for effective and safe use of EMDR therapy.
10. Participants will be able to Identify when to apply the Future Template.
11. Participants will be able to distinguish between direct questioning and the Floatback technique.
12. Participants will be able to distinguish between state change and trait change in EMDR therapy.
13. Participants will be able to identify the purpose of the Assessment Phase of EMDR therapy
14. Participants will be able to describe the purpose of utilizing the SUD scale.
15. Participants will be able to describe the purpose of the VOC scale.
16. Participants will be able to identify the reprocessing phases involved in memory reprocessing.
17. Participants will be able to describe one purpose for Safe/Calm Place utilization.
18. Participants will be able to identify when the Recent Events Protocol would be appropriate as an intervention.
19. Participants will be able to distinguish the difference between avoidance and hypoarousal.
20. Participants will be able to identify three differences in applying EMDR therapy to working with children.
Learning Objectives Part 2
1. Participants will be able to describe three strategies to identify and effectively resolve clinical problem areas in the utilization of EMDR therapy.
2. Participants will be able to identify two internal and external resources for clients.
3. Participants will be able to identify two clinical situations where EMD would be appropriate as an intervention.
4. Participants will be able to distinguish between EMD and the EMDR Therapy standard protocol.
5. Participants will be able to distinguish between adult-onset trauma and developmental trauma.
6. Participants will be able to identify when to target an adult-onset trauma versus applying the standard protocol.
7. Participants will be able to describe two clinical symptoms that may indicate the need to assess for dissociation.
8. Participants will be able to describe the three different categories of resources.
9. Participants will be able to describe three examples of specific resources to use with clients in need of resources.
10. Participants will be able to describe the procedural steps for closing down incomplete sessions.
11. Participants will be able to describe the protocol to initiate an incomplete session for processing to resolution.
12. Participants will be able to describe one therapy interfering behavior that may need to be addressed in order for treatment to proceed.
13. Participants will be able to describe a treatment plan to choose and prioritize targets appropriate for EMDR treatment.
14. Participants will be able to describe three strategies for dealing with strong emotion responses.
15. Participants will be able to describe three strategies for dealing with dissociative symptoms.
16. Participants will be able to describe the difference between a simple phobia and a process phobia.
17. Participants will be able to describe three cautions for using EMDR therapy with addictions and compulsions.
18. Participants will be able to identify one category of memory appropriate for targeting with combat veterans.
19. Participants will be able to describe three strategies to treat complex trauma-related disorders.
20. Participants will be able to describe three ways that EMDR therapy demonstrates cultural competence as an approach.
Complaint and Refund Policy: We seek to provide satisfaction to our participants. Please contact Dr. Priscilla Marquis at (415) 254-3306 for complaints or refunds. CANCELLATIONS must be received 14 days prior to be eligible for a refund. IMPORTANT NOTICE: Those who attend this workshop in full and complete the appropriate evaluation form and quiz will receive CE credits. Please note that credit will only be granted to those who attend the entire workshop. Those arriving more than 15 minutes after the start time or leaving before the workshop is completed will not receive CE credit. to our participants. Please contact Dr. Priscilla Marquis at (415) 254-3306 for complaints or refunds.
Availability for EMDR Trainings and Consultations
If you are interested in having Dr. Priscilla Marquis do a Basic EMDR Training or Advanced EMDR Training, or consultation for your agency, please contact her directly at priscilla@priscillamarquis.com. Dr. Marquis is committed to helping bring EMDR therapy to agencies that provide services to under-served populations and to providing training in Spanish.